Ecologically founded wildfire mitigation, forestry and arbor care.


Underwood Forestry

is dedicated to safely implementing ecologically founded forestry principles to improve forest health and lower wildland fire danger in southwest Colorado and the Four Corners region.

Some of the services we offer include: Wildfire risk assessment and mitigation, arbor care, timber management, riparian and ecological restoration.

Steve Underwood has 30 years of federal wildland fire experience, including 17 years of fuels management with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Parks Service. For seven of those years he was Fire Management Officer and Wildland Fire Chief for Mesa Verde National Park, and ten other National Parks Service (NPS) units in the Four Corners area.

Call Steve today at 970-570-9800 to schedule a complimentary wildfire risk assessment.

Complimentary estimates for arbor care or our other services are also available.